Using the GPS board I recently mentioned, and a Raspberry Pi, I built a stratum 1 NTP server. I'm working on a writeup of the process, in the meantime, here's a photo of the setup.
The red wire is used to bring the pulse-per-second signal to the Raspberry Pi GPIO connector (in this case, GPIO 18, but you can use a different line if that is already in use). The GPS is powered by the Raspberry Pi via USB, this also provides a ground return path for the PPS signal. At the same time, the GPS boards appears as /dev/ttyUSB0 to the operating system on the Pi.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Thursday, June 6, 2013
GPS board
I got a GPS board in the mail, with PPS output, as well as NMEA output over USB, RS232 and Bluetooth. The plan is to build a basic NTP stratum 1 server to use at home.
Someone wrote a detailed review of this board.
A couple of photos of it on my workbench:
You can view the NMEA data on the terminal window, in this case it was being read over Bluetooth, the USB cable was just providing power.
Someone wrote a detailed review of this board.
A couple of photos of it on my workbench:
You can view the NMEA data on the terminal window, in this case it was being read over Bluetooth, the USB cable was just providing power.
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